Cette grande histoire

Durée 2:13 Qui est la Wycliffe? Que fait-elle et qui sert-elle? Vous pourriez être surpris! Faites un petit tour dans le monde et découvrez le coeur de la Wycliffe. Passionnez-vous à voir Dieu révélé aux minorités linguistiques.

A Bigger Goal

A Bigger Goal

Length 3:46 Follow Jen on her mission journey as she uses her professional skills in teaching to meet a critical need…

Big Things

Big Things

Length 3:22 Normal people can do big things with God’s help. Take a trip to Tanzania and meet Danny, a missionary…

Missionary Mom V2 freeze|Missionary Mom

Missionary Mom

Length 5:14 Any way you slice it, being a mom in any culture is a fundamental role with mammoth impact.…


Bible Translation

Length 0:50 How many people need the Bible translated in the language they understand best? What forms are Bibles distributed…