Thank You!

Length 00:52 For more than 80 years, we’ve been passionate about helping people access Scripture in a language and format that speaks to their heart.

But without the Lord and you, it wouldn’t be possible. Your prayers, gifts, partnership and service have helped advance God’s Kingdom, transforming lives around the world. Thank you!

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Journey in Generosity

Length 3:11 This short film is a glimpse into the generous hearts of a giving family. Wycliffe partner story with…

Brignalls poster frame under2mb

Something Different

Length 4:53 Love brought them together, and God’s love moved them to do something very different with their lives in…

Thinking About Missions posterframe_TC_IT

Thinking About Missions? (TC)

Length: 0:58 參與跨文化宣教工作其實不是遙不可及的事。或許你不知道自己已擁有不少當宣教士的裝備;你也會驚訝地發現原來工場上的服侍機會是那麼多元化的。 如欲了解更多或探索服侍機會,請與我們聯絡

Rojas poster frame

Scripture Has Changed Me

Length 0:46 Noemí had been longing to read and hear God’s Word in the language she understands best, Eastern Apurímac…