Your Prayers Matter

Length 2:02 We often underestimate the power of prayer to change the world around us. But as the example in this video shows, our prayers can help change people’s lives in significant ways. And just by praying, you can help people get the life-changing Word of God in their language.

Why Bible Translation_1200

Why Bible Translation (Canadian version-3)

Length 2:07 At Wycliffe, we believe the Bible is God’s Word to us — and as such, something that everyone…

Extreme Flexibility

Extreme Flexibility Required

Length 3:45 Unexpected things happen on the mission field. Follow this young dreadlocked dude on his six-month journey in a distant…

Uncle Cam5

Every Tribe Will Hear

Length 2:25 In the 1980s, Wycliffe founder William Cameron Townsend — affectionately known as “Uncle Cam” — delivered an inspirational…

Vast Crowd_poster frame

Vast Crowd

Length 1:35 The book of Revelation gives us an incredible picture of what heaven is going to look like: “After…