Hope Through Bible Translation

Length 0:59 Imagine reading the Bible in a second language you learned in high school. Would you get frustrated and give up? For so many people around the world, that’s their reality because they have no known Scripture and no active translation project. Wycliffe envisions a Bible translation program in progress, in every language still needing one, by 2025.

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Ukulele Praise

Length 00:29 What does John 14:6 sound like in a minority language? This brief vignette shows a young boy playing and…


Thinking About Missions?

Length 0:55 You’re more equipped for missions than you realize, because the modern missionary looks a lot like you. You’ll…

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Thinking About Missions? (SC)

Length 0:58 参与跨文化宣教工作其实不是遥不可及的事。或许你不知道自己已拥有不少当宣教士的装备;你也会惊讶地发现原来工场上的服侍机会是那么多元化的。 如欲了解更多或探索服侍机会,请与我们联络:chinese@wycliffe.ca

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This Grand Story

Length 2:02 Who is Wycliffe Bible Translators? What do they do and who are the people they serve? You might…