Every Tribe Will Hear

Length 2:25 In the 1980s, Wycliffe founder William Cameron Townsend — affectionately known as “Uncle Cam” — delivered an inspirational speech at the memorial service of a fallen missionary. This video captures Townsend’s passion for the mission we have each been given to carry the gospel message to every nation.

Thinking About Missions_SimpCHINESE_poster frame

Thinking About Missions? (SC)

Length 0:58 参与跨文化宣教工作其实不是遥不可及的事。或许你不知道自己已拥有不少当宣教士的装备;你也会惊讶地发现原来工场上的服侍机会是那么多元化的。 如欲了解更多或探索服侍机会,请与我们联络:chinese@wycliffe.ca

AIDIA Spanish

Caminando Juntos, el ministerio de AIDIA

Length 4:54 La transformación está ocurriendo entre los quechuahablantes del Este de Apurímac gracias a la organización Asociación Interdenominacional para el…

Andreas Story

Andrea’s Story

Length 4:22 Andrea experienced something quite extraordinary—not at all the kind of journey she expected. It was a hands-on, down-to-earth, real…

A Light in the Jungle

A Light in the Jungle

Length 16:31 A Light in the Jungle—mystery, death, life—key words that embody this 16-minute docudrama on transformation among the Folopa people…