Brazil workshop equips consultants

A recent work­shop in Brazil for trans­la­tion con­sul­tants-in-train­ing drew 50 participants from nine countries. The week-long workshop, which kicked off Sep­t. 27, drew trainees from Ar­gentina, Bo­livia, Brazil, Colom­bia, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Mex­ico, and the United States. It’s hoped the skills they gained will help meet the con­sid­er­able de­mand for ca­pa­ble con­sul­tants* through­out the Bible trans­la­tion world.

As part of the workshop, participants received training in the use of Para­text, a trans­la­tion soft­ware pro­gram that enables trans­la­tors to eval­u­ate the ac­cu­racy and con­sis­tency of a trans­la­tion draft.

* A consultant thoroughly goes over the translation with the team, checking for accuracy, clarity and naturalness, and looking for omissions, extraneous thoughts or possible misconceptions.