Wycliffe and Ann Voskamp—A Shared Passion

Length 03:17 The Rendille people had waited three decades for that monumental moment. Ann was there when it happened, deepening her love for Wycliffe and the Bible translation movement. Experience the moment for yourself in this short documentary.

AIDIA Spanish

Caminando Juntos, el ministerio de AIDIA

Length 4:54 La transformación está ocurriendo entre los quechuahablantes del Este de Apurímac gracias a la organización Asociación Interdenominacional para el…

Why Bible Translation_1200

Why Bible Translation (Canadian version-3)

Length 2:07 At Wycliffe, we believe the Bible is God’s Word to us — and as such, something that everyone…

Cette grande histoire1200_This Grand Story French

Cette grande histoire

Durée 2:13 Qui est la Wycliffe? Que fait-elle et qui sert-elle? Vous pourriez être surpris! Faites un petit tour dans le…

Your Prayers Matter_1200

Your Prayers Matter

Length 2:02 We often underestimate the power of prayer to change the world around us. But as the example in…