Wycliffe and Sign Language Translation

Length 1:26 How many sign languages are there in the world today? You might be surprised. Check out this video in American Sign Language (ASL) to find out and learn more about Wycliffe Canada.

Thinking About Missions_SimpCHINESE_poster frame

Thinking About Missions? (SC)

Length 0:58 参与跨文化宣教工作其实不是遥不可及的事。或许你不知道自己已拥有不少当宣教士的装备;你也会惊讶地发现原来工场上的服侍机会是那么多元化的。 如欲了解更多或探索服侍机会,请与我们联络:chinese@wycliffe.ca

VanAndel poster frame

Encourage That

Length 4:31 Take a trip to the island of Guadalcanal in the South Pacific. Discover how God is using a…

CanIL_Mind on Fire posterframe

CanIL_Mind on Fire

Length 2:00 At The Canada Institute of Linguistics (CanIL), you’re more than a student. You’re a mind on fire. CanIL…

Surveying the Situation

Surveying the Situation

Length 3:59 Here’s a behind-the-scene look at one of the most challenging and adventurous roles in Wycliffe, Language Survey. Discover the…