When I was two years old, my parents discovered I was Deaf. With Christ at the centre of our home, it wasn’t long before they found a Deaf church for me to attend — ensuring I had access to God’s word at a young age. By the age of seven, I had accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour, thanks partly to this community of Christian signers.

In my work with the global Deaf community, I’ve discovered that less than two per cent of the Deaf identify as followers of Jesus. But new technology offered by Wycliffe Bible Translators and their global partners is trying to change that.
A new form of motion capture technology can now transform the way we present Scripture to a person who is Deaf. Dubbed “Chameleon” by its creators, the technology features a digital avatar, or animated character, who signs the Bible to the viewer. Sign language Scriptures are delivered in a video format, with someone signing the translated message in the appropriate sign language. The Chameleon technology captures . . .
Read the full story by Adan Burke at CBN News