A Bigger Goal

Length 3:46 Follow Jen on her mission journey as she uses her professional skills in teaching to meet a critical need that many don’t even know exists. Discover the bigger goal that stirs Jen’s heart to serve with passion.

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Your Prayers Matter

Length 2:02 We often underestimate the power of prayer to change the world around us. But as the example in…

Big Things

Big Things

Length 3:22 Normal people can do big things with God’s help. Take a trip to Tanzania and meet Danny, a missionary…

Engaging a Generation

Engaging a Generation

Length 4:43 Can this generation become truly engaged in God’s global vision? Is there a growing movement on the rise…

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Race to 2025: Extreme Adventure—Eternal Impact

Length 1:27 Race to 2025 is your adventure, it’s extreme adventure with eternal impact. (Due to a staff shortage, there…