Thank You!

Length 00:52 For more than 80 years, we’ve been passionate about helping people access Scripture in a language and format that speaks to their heart.

But without the Lord and you, it wouldn’t be possible. Your prayers, gifts, partnership and service have helped advance God’s Kingdom, transforming lives around the world. Thank you!

Missionary Mom V2 freeze|Missionary Mom

Missionary Mom

Length 5:14 Any way you slice it, being a mom in any culture is a fundamental role with mammoth impact.…

Made in His Image_still image

Made in His Image

Length 1:45 Scripture says that “even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ…” (Ephesians…

How Bible Translation Works

How Bible Translation Works

Length 5:41 From beginning to end, here’s the Bible translation ministry explained creatively through hand-drawn art on a whiteboard. Our…

Engaging a Generation

Engaging a Generation

Length 4:43 Can this generation become truly engaged in God’s global vision? Is there a growing movement on the rise…