You Are Not Alone (Canadian version)

Length 2:38 When you’re considering what it looks like to become a missionary with Wycliffe, you might have some questions and fears about the adventure that God is moving you toward. This video will encourage you.

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God’s Love—An Open Book

Length 2:11 God’s love and Wycliffe’s ministries are deeply intertwined. Discover how opening books—through Bible translation, literacy and related work—is…

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Two to Share

Length 1:21 This short film is a glimpse into the generous hearts of a giving couple. Wycliffe partner story with…

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Why Bible Translation (Canadian version-3)

Length 2:07 At Wycliffe, we believe the Bible is God’s Word to us — and as such, something that everyone…

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Studio Wycliffe Promo Video

Length 1:05 Are you a budding Christian filmmaker with a communications/media arts education or film school training, maybe even a…