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Bethany Chapel – Fireside Room

Meet the Field: Asarɨ’o

Join us for a onceinalifetime experience to meet those directly working in Papua New Guinea (PNG) with the newly launched project, Asarɨo. We will have an opportunity to learn more about the Asarɨo people, ask questions directly with those serving in PNG, and pray for the people and their work.

When words change their meaning

The Plain English Version (PEV) MiniBible is an English translation of the Bible designed specifically for Aboriginal Australians who speak English as a second language.


The Asarɨo people, an indigenous language group in the mountainous jungles of Papua New Guinea, number around 1,500. Mostly consisting of subsistence farmers, this rural community highly values relationships and hospitality.  For the past 20 years, Bible translation activity has been underway in the Asarɨo language.  Though the community demonstrated interest in this work, the...

New Wycliffe video features Canadian author Ann Voskamp

If we care about people actually having life in the world, says writer and speaker Ann Voskamp, . . . how can they know what it means to be fully human apart from Gods Word?

Wycliffe and Ann Voskamp—A Shared Passion

Length 03:17 The Rendille people had waited three decades for that monumental moment. Ann was there when it happened, deepening her love for Wycliffe and the Bible translation movement. Experience the moment for yourself in this short documentary.


The Scotts have been working alongside the people of Kingfisher Lake First Nation since 2018. Tom helps the local team navigate translation issues so that OjiCree speakers across Northern Ontario and Manitoba can encounter the gospel in their own language. He also works with the local language committee to help the community achieve their language...

Your Will As A Love Letter

Creating a Will can be like writing a love letter. Thinking through your options, making good choices, and considering those you love can say more to them than you may think. Having your things in order is one way to let your family and heirs know that you love them enough not to burden them...

Round trip

I intended to make the navy a career, but after about 12 years on active duty, my first child was born, and my father died from cancer. I started to question my future and my priorities. I prayed for the Lord to show me the way.

General Labourer

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