
Island Advance

Southeast Asia

Island Advance aims to assist local churches in a region of Southeast Asia, to provide Scripture for two indigenous language groups, Nomi* and Ardent,* with a total population of around 6 million people.

Most of the people who still need Scripture in their language follow the majority religion in the nation. While some communities have a local church, others have few Christians and no church presence. Efforts to bring God’s Word to this region are well underway.

With support from people just like you, each community that needs Scripture in their heart language will have it. And they will learn about the God who loves them!

Due to the sensitivity of the region this project is located in, please contact development@wycliffe.ca for the latest updates on this project.


You can help make an impact for eternity for the people impacted by Island Advance. Your financial gifts will enable Island Advance to:

  • Translate the whole Bible into Ardent* and the New Testament, as well as selected Old Testament portions, into Nomi*
  • Promote Scripture use through media, including radio, smart phone apps and the “JESUS” film
  • Provide translated materials to partners for church-planting work and discipleship


  • Distributed 20 audio devices, preloaded with Ardent* Scriptures, to ministry partners
  • Published the Ardent*/national language/English dictionary, with around 9,400 entries. Local government officials have stated they want to see it made available to local schools and libraries
  • First drafts of 1 Samuel and 4 New Testament books were translated into Nomi*, and team checking of the New Testament books has been completed

Praise God the Nomi* translation inspired a local man to translate Scripture into the dialect of his community!


  • Connect regularly with the project regularly to monitor progress, address challenges and help ensure good stewardship of resources.
  • Send you regular updates to keep you informed of Island Advance’s progress, financial need and prayer requests.
  • Send you an annual tax receipt for your donations.

*Pseudonyms used due to sensitivity

Remaining Need:
of $28,950

Current phase:


  • 2023-24|$28,950