At a recent trauma healing workshop in a sensitive region of Southeast Asia, one participant was a pastor who had been raised in a Buddhist monastery. But he grew disillusioned with the life there and ran away.

“I lived hand to mouth doing many jobs,” he says. “Finally I ended up as a soldier. In the army, I learned how to be tough: to fight, and even to kill.”
Eventually, he heard the gospel and gave his life to Christ. After retiring from military service, he dedicated his life to serve the Lord. But memories of the many people he had killed continued to haunt him.
“I was so tired and sad when I saw family members of the people I killed,” he says. “I was so traumatized, even though I was preaching and teaching about forgiveness.
“I confessed many times to God and repented. Finally, In this workshop, I was able to pour out my heart to God and also shared [the source of my guilt] with my fellow participants. I felt lifted up and healed.
“When I submitted all my burdens, all my heart wounds were healed. I am very excited now.”
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Word Alive magazine: Healing Hearts Head-on