Hope Through Bible Translation

Length 0:59 Imagine reading the Bible in a second language you learned in high school. Would you get frustrated and give up? For so many people around the world, that’s their reality because they have no known Scripture and no active translation project. Wycliffe envisions a Bible translation program in progress, in every language still needing one, by 2025.

ATEK_Alentando y equipando

Alentando y equipando—Una historia de ATEK

Length 5:19 En lo alto de los Andes Peruanos, en las aldeas y pueblos remotos que rodean Cusco, viven 1.5 millones…

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Journey in Generosity

Length 3:11 This short film is a glimpse into the generous hearts of a giving family. Wycliffe partner story with…

A Telling Story SHORT V2 freeze2

A Telling Story (short version)

Length 3:05 How do you effectively reach a language and culture built around oral stories where most of the people…

Neils Burnout


Length 2:11 Missionary Neil Anderson reveals how doing ministry 24/7 almost ended his missionary career. This is part of the video collection…