Surveying the Situation

Length 3:59 Here’s a behind-the-scene look at one of the most challenging and adventurous roles in Wycliffe, Language Survey. Discover the motivation and passion of a young, energetic missionary and the momentous event that unfolds at the film’s conclusion.

Uncle Cam5

Every Tribe Will Hear

Length 2:25 In the 1980s, Wycliffe founder William Cameron Townsend — affectionately known as “Uncle Cam” — delivered an inspirational…

A Telling Story SHORT V2 freeze2

A Telling Story (short version)

Length 3:05 How do you effectively reach a language and culture built around oral stories where most of the people…

Advancing the Scriptures

Length 03:38 In one African country, an amazing collaborative partnership is transforming the work of Bible translation. Learn more about this…


The Word Come Alive

Length 00:31 God’s Word is alive and transforming lives. Yet more than 167 million haven’t heard God’s message of love…