Thinking About Missions? (SC)

Length 0:58 参与跨文化宣教工作其实不是遥不可及的事。或许你不知道自己已拥有不少当宣教士的装备;你也会惊讶地发现原来工场上的服侍机会是那么多元化的。


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Thinking About Missions? (TC)

Length: 0:58 參與跨文化宣教工作其實不是遙不可及的事。或許你不知道自己已擁有不少當宣教士的裝備;你也會驚訝地發現原來工場上的服侍機會是那麼多元化的。 如欲了解更多或探索服侍機會,請與我們聯絡

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Totally God’s Thing

Length 5:55 This PD (Partnership Development) success story, “Totally God’s Thing” is an in-house Wycliffe film. Feel free to use…

Neils Burnout


Length 2:11 Missionary Neil Anderson reveals how doing ministry 24/7 almost ended his missionary career. This is part of the video collection…


Bible Translation

Length 0:50 How many people need the Bible translated in the language they understand best? What forms are Bibles distributed…