Two to Share

Length 1:21 This short film is a glimpse into the generous hearts of a giving couple. Wycliffe partner story with Steve and Carol.

Thank You

Thank You!

Length 00:52 For more than 80 years, we’ve been passionate about helping people access Scripture in a language and format…

In the Beginning freeze2_1200 1

In the Beginning

Length 4:19 In some areas of the world, people who serve Jesus put their lives in danger on a daily basis.…

Cette grande histoire1200_This Grand Story French

Cette grande histoire

Durée 2:13 Qui est la Wycliffe? Que fait-elle et qui sert-elle? Vous pourriez être surpris! Faites un petit tour dans le…

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Wycliffe in 60 Seconds – #1

Length 1:16 Travel with us around the world as a professor, pastors and laypeople share their thoughts about the Bible…