Walking Together, the ministry of AIDIA

Length 5:26 High in the Andes Mountains of Peru, God is transforming lives through His Word. In “Walking Together,” discover how a Wycliffe partner organization is working to build up Quechua churches and impact communities through Bible translation, literacy, leadership training and more.

Extreme Flexibility

Extreme Flexibility Required

Length 3:45 Unexpected things happen on the mission field. Follow this young dreadlocked dude on his six-month journey in a distant…

To Last Forever

To Last Forever

Length 1:04 A financial partner shares the value of investing in eternity through the Bible translation ministry. This is part…

Exploring Possibilities

Exploring Possibilities

Length 4:55 Many churches today long for a more direct, personal and meaningful involvement in God’s global mission. In this…


Wycliffe and Sign Language Translation

Length 1:26 How many sign languages are there in the world today? You might be surprised. Check out this video…