In the community of Piscoya in southern Peru, there are no evangelical churches. Most people in the village survive by farming or by working in a local mine. Alcoholism is a problem for many in the community.
Six years ago, an AIDIA worker named Enrique visited Piscoya for the first time, and met an old woman named Rina. She had a bad back and used a wheelchair to get around. At that time, she listened when Enrique spoke to her about the Word of God, and received a Proclaimer audio device loaded with biblical teachings. When AIDIA workers recently returned to the community, they looked for Rina but only found her grandson, Rómulo.

Rómulo told the workers that his grandmother had died during the pandemic. He then mentioned that she often listened to the Word of God on the Proclaimer, and after she passed away, he too began listening.
“I bought a Bible,” he said, “because I want to continue to know God, even though my friends bother me and often make fun of me because I no longer participate with them in their parties and their drunkenness.”
However, Rómulo says he’s not alone in his desire for God’s Word.
“Four of my friends and family members also want to hear the gospel and know God.”
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