A newfound connection

The Romanian pastor wasn’t sure what to do.

He had adopted a Deaf boy into his family and wanted to teach him about the Bible. But after trying for a while, the hearing pastor could tell that his Deaf son didn’t understand the Scripture in spoken and written Romanian.

Then one day, the pastor saw a video depicting a New Testament passage. The story was of Jesus calming the
storm — and it was in Romanian Sign Language. When the father showed the video to his son, the boy perked up and seemed to clearly understand the story’s message.

Ladislau Bortos signs a Bible story into Romanian Sign Language. Photo by Marc Ewell. 

Excitedly, the pastor reached out to the Romanian Sign Language translation team who created the video. As a result, the team members soon connected the family to a local Deaf church. There the boy is able to form relationships with other Deaf believers while growing in his faith through Scripture—communicated in a language and form that impacts his heart.

Source: wycliffe.org (InFocus, Vol. 26, No. 2)

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