Wycliffe Thai Foundation partners with Thai churches to further Bible translation, literacy and the use of translated Scriptures throughout Southeast Asia.
The Isan Oral Bible Translation project, sponsored by Wycliffe Thai Foundation, is moving forward in Thailand. Located in the northeast of Thailand, the Isan region is home to a unique language and culture, and the local church is looking forward to having Isan-language material available for evangelism and discipleship. The beginning of a new translation project is an exciting time, but one that is accompanied by challenges, both practical and spiritual. Prayer support is essential.

In Bangkok, members of Wycliffe Thai Foundation are encouraging their churches to pray for the Isan people and for this new project. Sometimes, this includes holding prayer meetings at their churches. When Wycliffe Thai member Jay shared a prayer meeting opportunity with her friends Aat and Pla, and their daughter Yobo, the family became very excited, even though attending would be a challenge for them.
Pla is very weak and cannot walk unassisted. But when the family learned that the prayer meeting would take place on the third floor of the church, they were undaunted. Aat declared, “Don’t worry, I will carry my wife up to the third floor. We want to come. We want to pray for Isan people!”

On the day of the meeting, Aat followed through on his promise, and carried Pla to the third floor. The family stayed for the full prayer meeting, and at the end, Pla said, “I love Isan people. I love the Isan language. I am very happy that I can come and pray for them. We will come next time!”
Please join us in praising God that Thai Christians are praying for the Isan people and for other unreached people groups in their country. Pray that Christians worldwide would join them in prayer for unreached people.
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