
Wycliffe Thai Foundation

Southeast Asia

In Thailand, Christians account for less than one per cent of the population. The challenge to reach cultures steeped in Buddhism and animism is immense. In neighbouring countries, hostility towards Christianity creates significant challenges for those involved in Bible translation. They need your support in order to persevere and share the Word of God with people in their own language.

“The Thai church is key to seeing missions, including language work, advance in the region,” says Tharawat Suebthayat, or “Wat,” the director of Wycliffe Thai Foundation. “We are Thai. We can easily learn neighbouring languages and adjust to their cultures.”


You can help make an impact for eternity in the language groups served by this project. Through your financial gifts and prayers, you will partner with local Thai churches to engage young people in all aspects of Bible translation, literacy and Scripture use. Wycliffe Thai Foundation sees Thailand as a natural hub to reach upwards of 200 language communities in restricted Southeast Asian nations that still lack even a word of Scripture in their mother tongue.


– Wycliffe Thai Foundation dedicated their new office on Oct. 28, 2023 and celebrated its 25th anniversary. About 400 people joined in the celebration.

– In early December, four mission organizations active in Thailand, (OMF, OM, SIM and Wycliffe) co-operated to hold a mission conference called “Mission In Action Plus” (MIA+).  The event, which aimed to showcase how Thai people are helping advance missions work, resulted in some very positive feedback. One participant said, “One church can’t do mission, but many churches together can do mission”.

– A language survey team will be conducting research among two different language groups in Northeastern Thailand. The language survey will help Wycliffe Thai Foundation decide if oral Bible translations are needed for the two groups.


Pray for Thai people and churches to support the upcoming Discovery Trips.

  • Visit the project regularly to monitor progress, address challenges and help ensure good stewardship of resources
  • Send you regular updates to keep you informed of progress, financial need and prayer requests
  • Send you an annual tax receipt for your donations

Story: Wycliffe Thai Foundation in time for celebration

A woman reads the bible while a younger man looks on.
Sitting in her village home near Chiang Mai, Thailand, Gaew (left) shares how her deformed legs were healed when Kriangsak Thakham (“Yo”) (seated right) prayed for her. The local evangelist visited her many times to share oral Bible stories.
Remaining Need:
of $348,190

Current phase:


  • 2023-24|$115,780
  • 2024-25|$116,630
  • 2025-26|$115,780

Your gift will help: