Wycliffe and Sign Language Translation

Length 1:26 How many sign languages are there in the world today? You might be surprised. Check out this video in American Sign Language (ASL) to find out and learn more about Wycliffe Canada.

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Journey in Generosity

Length 3:11 This short film is a glimpse into the generous hearts of a giving family. Wycliffe partner story with…

ATEK pic

Encourage and Equip—An ATEK Story

Length 5:18 High in the Peruvian Andes, in the remote villages and towns surrounding Cusco, live 1.5 million Quechua people.…

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God’s Love—An Open Book

Length 2:11 God’s love and Wycliffe’s ministries are deeply intertwined. Discover how opening books—through Bible translation, literacy and related work—is…

Thank You

Thank You!

Length 00:52 For more than 80 years, we’ve been passionate about helping people access Scripture in a language and format…