Andrea’s Story

Length 4:22 Andrea experienced something quite extraordinary—not at all the kind of journey she expected. It was a hands-on, down-to-earth, real life adventure with purpose. On this unique Wycliffe short-term trip, along with other young participants, Andrea learned some valuable life lessons. Check it out!

Cette grande histoire1200_This Grand Story French

Cette grande histoire

Durée 2:13 Qui est la Wycliffe? Que fait-elle et qui sert-elle? Vous pourriez être surpris! Faites un petit tour dans le…

Unfolding Stories

Unfolding Stories

Length 6:57 This unique video tells the Bible translation story through the eyes of a journalist, photographer and local colleagues on…

Your Prayers Matter_1200

Your Prayers Matter

Length 2:02 We often underestimate the power of prayer to change the world around us. But as the example in…

Missionary Mom V2 freeze|Missionary Mom

Missionary Mom

Length 5:14 Any way you slice it, being a mom in any culture is a fundamental role with mammoth impact.…