Why Bible Translation (Canadian version-3)

Length 2:07 At Wycliffe, we believe the Bible is God’s Word to us — and as such, something that everyone should be able to understand in their own language. In this brief film, you will learn more about the crucial, life-changing ministries of Bible translation.

Exploring Possibilities

Exploring Possibilities

Length 4:55 Many churches today long for a more direct, personal and meaningful involvement in God’s global mission. In this…


Bible Translation

Length 0:50 How many people need the Bible translated in the language they understand best? What forms are Bibles distributed…

The Most Important Message

Length 02:55 John Wycliffe is known as the Morning Star of the Reformation. The work and legacy of this dedicated servant…

Studio Wycliffe_freeze3

Studio Wycliffe Promo Video

Length 1:05 Are you a budding Christian filmmaker with a communications/media arts education or film school training, maybe even a…