Word Alive Now Blog
“Your Word have I hidden in my heart that I might not sin against you”
Several years after the Wapishana people of Guyana, South America, received their New Testament, the translation continues to touch lives.
With a happy grin and sweat pouring down his face, Pey* was the first to arrive at the Scripture-checking meeting each morning. He left home before four a.m. and returned after nightfall, a grueling four-hour hike (with an elevation gain…
There is nothing God wants to say that he cannot say in any language on earth. Wycliffe Bible Translators believe this with all our hearts. We, along with our partners, are committed to clear, accurate and natural Bible translation. Another way…
A trauma healing facilitator is crediting his training on how to listen to distressed people for preventing a murder in the town of Rungu, Democratic Republic of the Congo. After attending the training seminar, the facilitator (a pastor who wishes…
High in Peru’s Andes Mountains, Luisa Cahuana meets regularly with Cusco Quechua women who are hungry to read Scripture in their language. Many are new believers who have been introduced to Christ through the ministries of ATEK, Wycliffe’s partner organization…
This past August, the Keliko people of South Sudan celebrated a momentous milestone: after 20 years of perseverance through the hardships of civil war and displacement, the Keliko translation team has completed their translation of the New Testament. SIL International, a partner of…
Efforts to engage local people in the work of Bible translation are called “mobilization.” One component of the Bali mobilization project in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is to translate and produce oral Bible stories for distribution on smartphones.…
Learning to read better herself, a Quechua teacher instructs others too. After attending literacy training workshops run by AIDIA, Wycliffe Canada’s partner in Peru, 22-year-old Luz Marina is now serving as a voluntary literacy teacher in her community. Now that…
In times past, the Binumarien people of Papua New Guinea would paint their faces with black ashes, wear pig teeth necklaces, and even put pigs teeth in their mouths when going to war with other tribes. Many also carried string…