Removing roadblocks

For years, Kai would flip through the Bible and just stare at the pages. As a Deaf person, he struggled to understand many of the words he encountered in Scripture.

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A natural fit

As a volunteer with Wycliffe Canada, Miguel Montes serves in a role that some might call tailor-made. When he’s not working at his main job as a field service engineer for a scientific company in Kelowna, B.C., he devotes two to three days a week to his role as a field partner liaison (FPL), serving both Wycliffe Canada and a Bible translation partner agency in Peru.

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Finding a “market” for oral Bible stories

In Southern Thailand, relationships are central to evangelism. It takes time and effort to connect with people, to prove that you are sharing the gospel out of love for them, not because you have ulterior motives, or are trying to somehow score cosmic brownie points. Anything less than real trust and care doesn’t work, because these people have a lot to lose. 

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Round trip

“I intended to make the navy a career, but after about 12 years on active duty, my first child was born, and my father died from cancer. I started to question my future and my priorities. I prayed for the Lord to show me the way.”

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The most valuable thing

At her coronation in 1953, [Queen Elizabeth] was presented with a Bible as these extraordinary words rang out in Westminster Abbey, and around the world: ‘We present you with this book, the most valuable thing that this world affords.’

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Delivered from darkness

Growing up under communism as part of a minority language group in Asia, Bota knew nothing about Jesus. But as a young adult, she grew increasingly curious about the meaning of life and whether God existed.

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